Is it possible a paint that, in addition to having excellent adhesion and great covering power, also takes care of your health and that of yours? Thanks to technological advances and the firm commitment of Pinturas Montó to improve people's daily lives, this photocatalytic painting was born. Photocatalysis is a chemical reaction that converts light energy into an oxidation process that breaks down harmful substances present in the environment when they come into contact with the painted surface.
Surely you spend most of your time breathing indoors, such as your home or office and, consequently, you live with invisible harmful substances as harmful as formaldehyde, one of the main responsible for indoor air pollution. Prolonged stays in this type of environment can cause problems such as: hypersensitivity, allergic reactions, asthma, eye and skin irritation, etc.
Choosing a quality plastic paint is essential, since its coverage, washability and durability will be greater, and also, your health will not be affected or affected by toxic agents. Smart Aire Puro purifies the environment and purifies the quality of the air you breathe just by painting .
Its photocatalytic effect is certified by the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences . Their study guarantees that, three hours after painting a space, 80% of the formaldehyde present in the environment decomposes into water vapor.
In summary, Smart Aire Puro has the properties that make it one of the best interior paints on the market:
- It is free of emissions (Certified A + by WESSLING laboratories).
- Reduces organic and inorganic gaseous pollutants.
- Does not contain aggressive chemical compounds.
- It allows a quick habitability of the spaces.
- It has a high coverage and washability.